Monday 12 December 2011

The Weasel Man.

A rather short one again I fear, this is possably due to the fact we watched an eipsode of Game of Thrones and had lasagne first which was yummy ^_^

After the trainers healed up their pokemon they disscused plans on getting a fishing rod of some sort, seeing as they would be crossing two rivers why not try for some water pokemon, but after looking at prices of various kinds of rod (not to mention the celebration mark up) they decied to try their luck with improvised rods once they get there, and so all four trainers from Team Dratini set out again from Inevita town.
On the way they find some berries to use as bait while Desmond informs them he has bought some curry paste for his, the rest of the group look at him qizzicaly and Zephiera states she will be fishing up river from him.
As they travel onwards towards the pokemon center at the powerplant they keep an eye out for items and pokemon though they soon realise that because soo many trainers have gone this way that there is likely to be nothing on the bushes and nothing dropped as well. They spot several groups of pokemon along the way the first being a group of 6 spearow which the Trainers decied to not attack, as they continue they eventually they see a lone Zigzagzoon zigzaging back an fouth across the path, Klint instantly takes a likeing to it as the team pokedex the pokemon

It walks in zigzag fashion. It is good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground.

After a quick battle the pokemon is caught and suddenly a small flock of Starly apper! Zephira's Charmander recognise this flock as the ones that go away from the battle earlyer that morning and starts growling at them. The starly also recognise the Charmander so swoop doen to begin battle, this time Arya's Espeon, Kilnt's Aron and Desmond's Starly also join the fight, Charmander puts up a good fight but with all three Starly on him dosent survie long but manages to Level up none the less gaining the move ember and so Arya, Klint and Zephira all manage to catch themselves a Starly. 

Aftergiveing a potion to Charmander the Trainers Travel a while longer a large group pings up on Kilnt's Pokemon scanner so the trainers move towards that befor the river. As the walk Zephira decieds it might be best if they aproce quietly and stealthily, but as soon as she see's the group of pokemon on Klints scanner she goes slightly pale and tells the group some info befor the pokedex pings back..

It whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls.
"A Ratticate is a level 20 pokemon at leaste! if it was on its own or had fewer Rattata's with it I might take it on but this many? I dont think so!" said Zephira and quietly runs away with the rest of the trainers decieding to follow her, and so they reach the river takeing branches of some bare trees and tieing string and Aspear berry's to the ends to see what they can fish up....
First to hook something is Zephira with a Magikarp which she excitedly catches without battleing it, 

A Magikarp living for many years can leap a mountain using Splash. The move remains useless, though.

Desmond hooks one as well only to beat it up and throw it back. While Kilnt and Arya are sucsessfully Catching Magikarp as well Zephira hears something further up river, After watching for a short time she notices that is a pair of Buizel speeding down the river and lets the other trainers know they are there and something about them befor getting hit with Super sonic as they speed past

It spins its two tails like a screw to propel itself through water. The tails also slice clinging seaweed.
Just as they are passing, Desmond sends out his Starly to battle the Buizel's with each of the other trainers sending out a pokemon as well resulting in Desmond and Klit Captureing one each.
And so Kilnt becomes The Waesel Man.

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