Thursday, 8 March 2012

Desmond the Mad.

Wow its been a while since i last updated this fortunatly not alot has happend as we have recently started playing a bit of starwars RPG... if it was D20 i could prolly have alot more fun with it seeing as my char really isnt something iv had alot of choice in, yeah i got to pic out ofthe book what i wanted to be but it really was a case of copy this out the book and assign your dice as you like, so there was some custome stuff going on but not as much as id like. Happily im not keeping a blogg of the goings on from that game, soooo mcuh stuff i just dont get but im having some fun non the less ^_^ 
Anywho lets get back to Pokemon Tabletop Adventures!

The team sleep while Zapheria and Charmander keep the second watch, Arya took the first where not alot actually happened, At aorund 2am Zapheria notices some movement in the grass not far from the camp so she calles Charmander over to get a better look while she gives Desmond a kick to wake him up, as she scans the pokemon Desmond goes to wake Klint and Arya and brings out his Purrloin. The Pokedax pings back with the info and lets everyone know that its a Ekans

It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind.
The team battle the wild Ekans so that Arya can eventually capture it, Zapheria informs Desmond that its not his watch and goes to sleep leaveing charmander out for warmth and light. Desmond feeds his Purrloin some curray and after only 10 minuets of watch wakes Kilnt up telling him its his turen then falls back to sleep which annoys Purrloin who wants to play and eat more curry. While Klint keeps watch he ckecks his Radoar out just incase more pokemon show up, fortunatly nothing dose.

The next day the Group carry on through the marsh towards canarlis disscussing Desmonds sexuality along the way due to his want of skipping which causes much merriment amount Klint, Arya and Zapheria, As hey walk with Klint checking the radar periodicaly they nocise a chainlink fence keeping people from going deep into the marsh the team wonder about it when one of them rembers that one of the events was a marsh hunt so reason that perhaps it would be a good plan no to go over the fence, Quickl Klint notices 3 blips on his radar further up the path so the team quickly go to see what it might be..

As they reach a bridge over a small stream they find themselves onto of the blipsand begin to look around for them they go a small way up steam to a pond where 3 Barboach are playing, the team each scan the pokemon while sending out Klints Mareep, Zapherias Shinx, Desmonds slightly crazy looking Zigzagoon and Aryas Espeon.

Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In one region, it is said to have been born from hardened mud.
As the Pokedex Pings back Zapheria takes a look and sees that Barboach are water ground so recalls her Shinx and sends Foongus instead while the others attack. Zigzagoon attacks first with a mighty Headbut causeing massive damage as the team battle they all suddenly nocie that one of the Barboach is a different colour from all the rest while Kilnt and Desmond argue for a while over who gets it Arya catches one while Foongus slowly moves throught the mud to attack one of the barboacheventually Klint maages to catch the shiny Barboach while Desmond catches the other.

While Klint, Arya and Zapheria disscuss the Shiny pokemon, Zapheria infors Klint that they are rather rare and quit decent when trained no one ontices that Desmond has wandered away to the fence where he finds a tympole. Desmond feeds this Tympole with some of his mothers famouse curry and askes the Pokemon if it would like to travelle with him, The tympol answeres by useing a small watergun to the face, amused by this Desmond sends his crazy Zigzagoon to battle the Tympole eventually weakening it enough to be catpured sucessfully 

They warn others of danger by vibrating their cheeks to create a high-pitched sound.
By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves imperceptible to humans. It uses the rhythm of these sounds to talk.
At this point a loude cry from alot of nearby pokemon goes up! the team find Desmond by the fence and ask him what he's been doing and when he tells them he caught a tympole then the noise started the Others soon start to worry.... Klint checks his radar and sure enough theres a large number of pokemon heading thier way! and so the Group Runs as fast as they can away from the fence and the marsh.

It's at this point that we stopped that session of gameplay... we managed abotut an hours worth out of game.... and seeing as we are running the game as an actuall year thing well we need to do better after all we are only on January 3rd in game! Id also like to share with you the fact that our DM/GM has changed the way we play this game, makeing some classes skills and well generally makeing the game feel better to him, so far its been going well ^_^

Eventually the Team get out of earshoot at leaste of the most likely angery Tympole so slow down to a walk only to find the radar indicateing 6 pokemon up ahead. As soon as the pokemon are spotted the group scan and send out various pokemon, Zapheria sends Charmander to fight and Magikarp to watch, Desmon sends Zigzagoon, Klint sends Aron to soak up some damage and harden as much as he can while Arya get her Espeon to helping hand Zigzagoon and Charmander when it can.The pokedex pings back with its info of...

A comparison revealed that Bidoof's front teeth grow at the same rate as Rattata's.

 As the fight with the Bidoof goes on Charmander burns one of them, Arya and Desmond Catch one each while one of them starts curling up into a ball and starts rolling around, the team wonder what its doing when Zapheria suddenly recognises the move! Its rollout! 
She informs the others that the move will keep growing in strangth the more its used and advises them to concentrate on that.. The burned Bidoof trys to make a run for it but faints from hits burns while charmander embers as much as he can and the team manage to swiftly deal with all 6 bidoof.

Desmond sends his rattata out to propperly kill the poor Bidoof and roll in the  entrils while Desmond makes more curry from Bidoof meat with the help of Charmanders flame so everyone stopps for a rather grusome lunch and send out the rest of their pokemon for a bit of play time, Zapheria finds her Shinx quite likes Curried Bidoof while she also gives Magikarp and Shinx a grooming session, Klint spends a good hour fixing the teams broken poke balls while everyone plays with their Pokemon

At about 3:15Pm Travvle is resumed with Building's appareing on not to far from the Group, as they travle onwards they come across garbage cans with something moving inside them... ARya and Zapheria take a closer look and find a pair of Zigzagoon feasting inside, the Zigzagoon begin to growl at them so Both girls send out their Starlie's in the hope of gaining hem some experianceonly to have them both faint! Arya trys her Rattat only to have it faint as well while Zapheira goes with her tryed and tested Charmander, also sending out Magikarp to watch and hopefully gain some experiance from watching Charmander who starts with a smokescreen and then an ember only to have Desmond send his Rattat throught the smoke to kill the Zigzagoon on the other side, Arya, after weakening the second Zigzagoon manages to capture it but only after Desmond sends his Purrloin to use assist after it had allready fainted...

As The team move on to the Pokemon center Zapheria tells Desmond that he is a little git for kiling that Zigzagoon, as she would have perfered to leave it fainted rather than Kill the poor thing and finds his recent enjoyment in all this killing to be rather disturbeing..
Once they reach the pokemon center they discover that a couple of other teams have also made it this far and Desmond goes into disscussions about breeding some of his pokemon to some of thiers and also finding out if they have something interesting to trade, alas Team Medicham have nothing the group havent allread caught but Desmond manages to make a breed with his Ralts and theirs for a price while he also plans to breed his Purrloin and Aryas Espeon in the vain hope of getting an Eevee.

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