Friday 20 June 2014

Episode 2: Whats in a name?

Well heres another update! Its relitively short this time as well I want to get something out fairly regularly and in shorter perhaps more interesting bursts. That dose of course meen we will be spending longer in each session as i think most of this happened in either the end of the first or the start of the second and there have so far been 4, handily the 4th was recored but im not sure what the quality of that is like and if it's not just full of Digression Hammers and Tangent Spanners* but we shall see..
Anyway on with the show! :P

*I may explain these at another point i may not depends if anyone is interested

It takes hardly any time at all for the Nurse to register Dan into the league and when she finishes she asks the group an important question "so what do you want to call your team then?"
"Err what do you mean" asks Major
"Well your team needs to have a name, other teams have called them selves things like Team Dratini, Team Arcanine, Team Arbok and Team Pikachu, just generally named themselves after powerful Pokemon or Pokemon they feel really represent their teams" She says with a simile
The group go into a discussion amongst them selves with Emily exclaiming "Team Flygon" instantly and loudly "Flygon is awesome and cool and has goggles and is a Dragon so its pretty powerful"
"How about Team Palkia?" suggests Major
"Yeah thats pretty cool" says Dan "after all it did bring us here"
"I think we should be team other world after all we aren't from here, we are from another  world" Suggests Dave 
"Nah thats crap… everyone else has their teams named after a Pokemon so I think we should as well" Emily says disappointedly 
"But thats boring as well its just following everyone else" 
"But Team other world is naff it doesn't mean anything! no one but us and Professor Pine know we aren't from here, even Team Palkia is better than team other world" She argues. The group argue for a while longer with eventually a vote being taken which Dave wins.
"Its such a stupid name…. could have been team Flygon or Palkia….. I'm not even going to remember that" Emily quietly says with a sulk.
"Ok" Says the Nurse "Thats Team other world" She registers the name looking slightly confused "All done! your ready to take on the league"
"Umm is there any chance of us getting some gear?" Asks Brian "We don't currently have anything at all" 
"Of course!" She smiles "Every trainer gets a back pack with everything they need to compete in the league, a tent, sleeping bag, rations, frying pans…"She continues with the list but suddenly Emily, Dan and Major start laughing
"You could use a frying pan as a Drying pan!" Emily squeaks
"Or I could hit you with it and it could be a crying pan!" Laughs Dan 
Or use it as a scrying pan!" add Major with a big grin on his face
"What are you three talking about?" asks Brian 
"Oh in an episode of the anime Ash, Brock and Misty are running through a forest in the rain" explains Dan " An Brock pulls out his Frying pan and says 'I can use my trusty frying pan, as a drying pan!' It was hilarious!"
The others laugh agreeing that its pretty funny, as the nurse continues with her explanation of the kit trying not to look confused "And a Makeshift Rod, enough feed bowls for 6 Pokemon, some cutlery, tea bags, kettle and well everything you would expect"
"Brilliant, I suppose we'd better be getting on then?" He suggests brightly "Er do we have a map?" 
"Theres one in your pack" the Nurse replies "Along with the program of events for the year"

"Coool! so where should go first?" Emily asks
"Well we can look at the events and see what we want and then we can see about what Pokemon are likely to be where and go from there" Major says to the group. They study the events list for  while and eventually ask the Nurse what the date is right now "Its the 7th of February today" she says with a bright smile
"Ok so the events that we have going on next are the Open Sea hunt in Zeno City and Floretta Photography in Floretta town" Says Brian "Lets have a look at the map?"
Emily walks over to a table and spreads the map out for all to see "We are currently here" She points to Inevita Town "With the two events happening here and here" Pointing to Zeno city at the top right of the map and Floretta at the top left, both of which are either on the other side of a large bay or through a desert, jungle, ash plain and then volcano
"Its going to be hard if we go that way" Emily indicates the desert, Jungle and volcano "But there will probably be Trapinch in that desert which is a Pokemon I really really really want!" She says excitedly "I think we should head there as soon as we can after all we can always double back on ourselves and go to er…" She reads the Map "Cannallis and get a boat to the other side so we can at the very least get to" she checks the map again "Shadrakia City, where they are holding a dragon display on the 26th" She grins
"Well I want a Lotad" says Major "It's likely to be around rivers and swamps and that looks like a swamp to me" He points to the area around Cannallis "So I want to go that way"
"But there are rivers on the way to the Desert and a big lake" Says Emily 
"I want a Squirtle" Says Dan Excitedly "Thats gonna be rivers or sea?"
"I think Squirtle is just fresh warted says Brian
"I Want a Charmander" says Dave "where are they likely to be?"
"Err my guess would be a volcano" says Major
"It will be hard going through all of that.." says Emily "I think going to the desert and round will be easier and we will get less lost"
"But thats such a waste of travel! doubling back is pointless" says Dave "And I bet there will be cool things in a jungle"

"But it will be hard! non of us are exactly jungle explorers" Emily says with slight worry in her voice "The path of least resistance will be better for us over all and we aren't in a massive rush are we?" The group spend more time discussing the where-fors and what-nots of the path to take eventually deciding to go the hard way through desert, jungle, ash plains and volcano… Its going to be hard going for our group….

As always if anyone of the players wants me to change anything feel free to let me know and we will see what can be done, I hope you enjoyed reading my ramblings about an imaginary world in an imaginary game held mostly in 5 peoples heads.  

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